Recently two things occurred that really helped me look ahead to a time when group training can resume. First, I received a padded training suit to use in krav maga classes. This will let students actually throw strikes on a live opponent, instead of a pad. I have been hoping to add this to our training for quite a while, and I was finally able to get one. I certainly don't plan to suit up and take hits every class, but I'm thrilled to be able to add this new training tool.
Second, we held a jiu jitsu promotion. As with many things over the last year, it certainly looked different than usual. However, it's important to find appropriate ways to mark these milestones, and remind ourselves that we won't be in this situation forever. These promotions aren't really about the belts or degrees awarded. It's a way to acknowledge the hard work that the students have put in, and the progress we have made together.
As covid vaccines become available to the general population, fully vaccinated individuals will be able to train together. Keep in mind this won't be like flipping a switch, where we immediately go back to full-sized classes. There will be a gradual approach. Whoever wishes to continue private training will be able to do so. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Jules Embry-Pelrine,
Founder, Nantucket Martial Arts Alliance
