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Thank You for a Great 2023

Jules Embry-Pelrine

Thank you to all who trained with me this year. I truly appreciate your choice to patronize Nantucket Martial Arts Alliance. It was a real pleasure sharing the mats with you. 2023 was my fourth full year at my Windy Way location. I'm always looking for better ways to serve my students. Please feel free to send suggestions on how I can improve my offerings, or make training more approachable. I hope to make Nantucket Martial Arts Alliance the first stop for any resident or visitor searching for quality martial arts instruction on Nantucket. 

As we approach the end of the year everyone starts thinking of taxes, especially business owners. I have registered the business as a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). Thank you very much to my students who use the website to pay for classes. This makes my tax prep much easier. Please pay online whenever possible. In person payments should be made by check, payable to Nantucket Martial Arts Alliance, LLC or NMAA for short.

I continued working with Advanced Embroidery in Hyannis to create apparel with my logo. Combat Corner has been a great supplier of customized Brazilian Jiu Jitsu uniforms and no gi apparel. Revgear makes the striking pads I use in all my Krav Maga classes. For any students looking to safely expand your practice I can provide any item from or at a discount. I can't speak highly enough of Gretchen at Studio 61, the graphic design and printing studio attached to the local UPS Store. She helped design my outdoor banner, and the stickers that the kids love so much.

This year I added Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes for ages 6+. I have practiced BJJ since 2010, and I truly love teaching it. I had considered adding Kids BJJ before, and the time finally felt right. This new part of my jiu jitsu experience makes me love it even more. Remember there's no need for students to pick only one thing. They're welcome to do as many different types of classes as they like. I'm happy to discuss how to make this work, especially if price is a concern. It's also totally ok for students to practice at more than one place. Andre Dobrochinski runs a Werdum Jiu Jitsu affiliate on-island. Every teacher is different, and every student needs different things. You can learn more about Andre's classes at ack.werdumjiujitsu on instagram. There's no rivalry between Nantucket martial arts teachers. This is NOT a Miyagi Do vs Cobra Kai situation. If you don't know that reference, I recommend the Netflix show Cobra Kai. It's great. 

Through the year I held testing for Kids Krav and Kids BJJ students. This is to acknowledge their consistent hard work, and celebrate their new knowledge and skills. I returned to Fit to Fight in North Carolina for another fantastic Hard Ready seminar in October. I'm very happy with my decision to affiliate with this great organization. I continued my affiliation with Carlos Terrinha of Terrinha Draculino Team BJJ. I made a few trips to his academy for promotions/in-house tournaments. He typically holds these twice a year for adults, and four times a year for kids. Teachers and students from all affiliated schools are encouraged to join. In 2024 perhaps I can host Professor Terrinha for a seminar. 

I also welcomed another instructor into the space. A big part of why I started the Nantucket Martial Arts Alliance was to provide a stable training location for the island's martial arts enthusiasts. I always hoped other instructors would be able to use the space. My friend Gerry Holmes has started offering Kids Capoeira classes at Windy Way. You can learn more at, or text/call 774-325-6568. Sensei Louis Guarnaccia of the Aikido Association of Nantucket continued offering classes. Aikido inquiries should go directly to  

Hosting seminars and events means a larger space, which brings me to this year's biggest development. My wife and I are almost moved into our covenant home that we bought through Housing Nantucket. I'm in the long process of carving out a space at the house to be a new training center. I'll certainly keep all students informed as I make plans for the location change. There's plenty of work to be done. Some requires skilled labor, and some just requires a willingness to help. Thank you again for helping make 2023 such a success at Nantucket Martial Arts Alliance. I look forward to seeing you on the mats in 2024.

Wishing you health and happiness,  

Jules Embry-Pelrine

Founder/Head Instructor 

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